
Project 3R4UB.
For a new Ulaanbaatar

What’s 3R4UB?

An international cooperation project between Italian and Mongolian entities.
The aim is to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Ulaanbaatar, tackling environmental pollution and climate change.

Why is it so important?

Because rapid population growth and industrialization have made waste management an emergency in the last decade.
Mongolia cares about the environment and deserves the right tools to be able to take care of it.
3R4UB is that tool.

Main objectives of 3R4UB

Increase sustainable development
Ensure that all the actors involved are aware of the practices for proper waste management, through an effective multi- channel communication strategy.

Promoting waste recycling
Improve the specialist skills of all professionals involved in the 3R4UB, both from public institutions and companies, through training courses and seminars.

Favorite the circular economy
Feed a circular economy process in which waste is reduced and recycled materials become a source of income.

Who are the beneficiaries of 3R4UB?

Primarily, the inhabitants of Ulaanbaatar will live in a healthier and cleaner environment.
Secondly, MSMSs operating in the waste recycling sector, so that the Mongolian economy will grow thanks to better management of economic resources and the reduction of waste.

How it works?

The project will involve close collaboration between Italian and Mongolian institutions.
It will run from 2020 to 2024 and will proceed at the simultaneously on different levels ensuring that every element of society plays an active part. From the student to the citizen, from businesses to institutions, everyone will contribute.

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Local and national Government + Government Environment Agency
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Educational institutions + Universities and Research Centers
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MSMEs + Non-Government Organizations
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Financial institutions + Representatives from the private sector and industry

The role of the youngest

To reduce waste, 3R4UB focuses on changing consumer habits, through an educational programme for schools, so that future generations can protect the environment autonomously and consciously.