Below is the article in Corriere della Sera about the collaboration between Italy and Mongolia to spread the 3R culture with the 3R4UB Project. L’IMPEGNO DI CNR-IRSS: Ridurre, riusare, riciclare: così l’Italia insegna alla Mongolia la via maestra per la raccolta differenziata, di Luca Zanini
The contest for the realization of the new logo of 3R4UB project came to an end. The candidate who has created the winning logo, Borjigon Ganpurev , won a cash prize worth EUR 1000 and the fulfillment of representing the project with the logo he designed. The contest was activated…
Extension of the deadline for submitting applications for the 3R4UB Project logo. THE NEW DEADLINE IS SET FOR 26 November 2021. For anything not provided for, the rules of the 3R4UB Project logo call published on this website remain valid.
A competition of ideas is being held to create the 3R4UB Project identification logo. The competition is open to all residents of Mongolia. The competition of ideas is aimed at students of design schools, design and/or communication professionals, owners of a communication agency or design studio, but also ordinary Mongolian…